Best Practices: Work Lockdown Procedures

Businesses across the country have implemented workplace lockdown procedures due to the surge in active shooter threats. While companies can’t completely prevent an attack, workplace safety drills can assist employees in evacuating to a safe location. Workplace lockdown procedures outline specific safety steps, such as locking office doors, closing window blinds, and turning the lights off to keep employees safe and prevent intruders from gaining access to offices. Establishing effective workplace procedures will reduce potential casualties.

3 Tips for Developing Workplace Lockdown Procedures

1.Consider different scenarios

When planning your emergency response plan, consider a variety of different scenarios. Instead of designing a single safety policy, create a variety of policies for different situations. Here are a few types of lockdown scenarios.

  • Internal Threat– An intruder is already inside the building, and the procedure should be to get everyone to a safe and secure location. 
  • External Threat– An intruder is outside the building, and the procedure should prevent the intruder from entering the building.

2.Carefully choose the type of drill

There are two types of exercises designed to teach employees how to respond in the event of an active shooter. Consider the following two types of lockdown drills:

  • Traditional Lockdown Drill– When an intruder enters the facility, the practice should be to lock the doors, notify teachers and first responders, and relocate all employees to a safe location.
  • Active Shooter Stimulation Drill -This type of drill simulates real-life active shooter situations, with a team member acting as an active shooter to make the lockdown drill more realistic.

Workplace lockdown drills can be traumatic for employees. Before selecting the type of drill or level of stimulation, an administrator should consider the mental health of the population.

In addition, organizations should notify staff in advance of the drill to allow them time to prepare for the safety drill. During the exercise, designate a crisis team to monitor teachers for any signs of emotional distress. After the training, provide onsite mental health specialists for the entire school population.

3.Consider incorporating technology into your workplace lockdown drills 

It is essential to incorporate technology into your workplace lockdown drills. Companies should invest in automatic door lockdown security systems and high-resolution software to enhance security measures.

Beyond implementing technology for security measures, investing in a panic alarm system will help notify the police immediately. WellCheck provides a mobile panic button that can be used on any device to immediately notify staff and first responders in the event of an emergency. During an emergency, the WellCheck crisis management system allows employees to update their safety status and communicate with first responders. Investing in safety technology will enhance security and reduce potential casualties.

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